GSO Test

GSO Test


Year 2


In Year 2 English is taught through high quality, key texts carefully selected to develop the skills children need to be great writers.

Using the Little Wandle programme, phonics and spelling sessions are taught daily to ensure all children learn to read and spell. Little Wandle reading sessions take place three times a week, ensuring that all children read individually to an adult in school every week.

We follow exciting topics which stimulate the children’s learning in science, history, geography and all the other National Curriculum subjects.

Across the school we follow the White Rose Maths scheme. PSHE and RE lessons are taught discretely, and music and computing are taught by specialist teachers.

The classroom environment is designed to be stimulating, as well as supporting children’s learning through phonics prompts, key words, maths resources and subject displays. Children’s work is also celebrated through displays that showcase their achievements in different subject areas.


Many visits are arranged throughout the year to museums, galleries and other places of interest to support the learning that takes place in the classroom.

Year 2 take part in several festivals and events throughout the year, including Harvest Festival, Easter assembly and May Day. They also play a key role in the Christmas celebrations by taking the lead roles in the Infant and Foundation Stage Nativity play!

Year 2 National Portrait Gallery trip          

Homework grids are sent home at the beginning of each half term with suggestions for activities to support and extend what is taught in school. Our aim is for the children to really be inspired by their homework and to achieve at their own level, facing challenges where appropriate. There is also the expectation that children read to an adult at home each day for at least for 10 minutes, maybe as a part of a bedtime routine. Children are also encouraged to practise spellings and number facts.


Please click on the buttons below for a copy of the half-termly newsletters as they become available.




Please click on the buttons below for a copy of the half-termly Homework Grids as they become available.



Please see the 'Subject Curriculum Overview' and 'Yearly Overview' tabs in the 'Teaching and Learning' section to learn more about the Year 2 curriculum.